Your Dreamed-About Day
Your Dreamed-About Day
As the editor of a weddings magazine, I’m going to admit something that is likely not expected of me: As a little girl, I did not dream about my wedding day. I cannot recall a time where I was the officiant of a Barbie-and-Ken doll wedding. Even now, I do not have a Pinterest board dedicated to wedding planning. Don’t get me wrong — I have nothing against weddings. In fact, quite the opposite.
I think that love is one of the most powerful and sensational feelings you can express, and I am close to many couples that are inspiring examples of admirable marriages. Marriage, to me, is sacred. For these reasons I would not feel comfortable planning a wedding without fully knowing the man who will be standing opposite me at the altar.
Until I know the man on his knee has both my head and my heart, I won’t plan our wedding. The keyword being “our.” I’ve always felt this way, but I haven’t always known why. It took loving someone selflessly, unconditionally and entirely to know that a relationship is not about me; it’s about us.
If you’re reading this magazine, you likely have a sparkler on your ring finger and no uncertainties about the person who placed it there. You are now ready to plan your most memorable day together.
Throughout these pages, you will meet the most talented, hospitable, knowledgeable and attentive wedding service providers in Northwest Florida. I would know; I’ve spoken with them all, and I would not leave you in less-than-capable hands.
As you read, research and smile your way through all 100 pages, know that each one was carefully assembled with love. I hope an eye-catching advertisement leads you to a service, our stunning photography inspires you and our heartfelt words make you pause and reflect on all that led you to this moment.
I wish for your wedding planning to be an adventure that leads to a wedding that fulfills you both and results in a love story that is more ardent, compassionate and loving than you ever imagined. You can wake up now; reality is better than your dreams.
Rebecca Padgett, Editor